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Saturday, October 17, 2009

演化心理學家 Margo Wilson 2009/09/24 去世

演化心理學家 Margo Wilson 於 2009/09/24 去世
Margo Wilson 與他丈夫以研究家庭暴力聞名

以下摘自 "Margo Wilson's research shed light on evolutionary psychology" (The Globe & Mail):

“Men lay claim to particular women as songbirds lay claim to territories, as lions lay claim to a kill, or as people of both sexes lay claim to valuables,” wrote the evolutionary psychologist Margo Wilson.

She and her husband were first to study the evolutionary roots of homicide, and to demonstrate that step-parents are more likely to murder their children than biological parents – “the Cinderella effect” – and that cross-culturally, men are more likely than women to kill out of sexual jealousy.

“Their greatest impact was in the area of understanding motivations behind intimate partner violence,” said Holly Johnson, an associate professor in the department of criminology at the University of Ottawa. “They recognized the importance of environment and culture, and helped us to situate evolved psychological mechanisms within social environments and cultures.”